2010-12-26 06:11:41 UTC
This year (jan 2010) they changed their policy and from December 25th 2010 they would be opening Christmas day and boxing day every year. As soon as he said this i went to the manager (the person who held my interview) and reminded them of what we spoke about in the interview. He said that he remembered and said seeing as the opening hours conflicted with the times the services were. I could work on new years eve and new years day as an alternative.
I agreed and forgot all about it. In November a new manager took over, and said we ALL had to work Christmas day unless we had a medical note and there was no ‘alternative’ days to work as they were short staffed. I told him about the last managers agreement and all i got back was “I don’t take on others agreements.”
Anyway this went on for a number of weeks until it got to December the 1st when I was told that “if i didn’t turn up for work i WOULD be fired” At this point i started looking for alternative work.(all of this was witnessed by other workers)
After two weeks of looking I decided to go and see the CAB (citizen advice burro) to ask where i stood. I was told that not only was it a public holiday and i had no contract that stated that i HAD to work Christmas days/boxing days, there was also a verbal agreement made between me and a representative of the company/shop. No company/shop could fire you if you are indeed taking the day off as a religious holiday and could prove you go to church every Sunday and holiday.(as long as you’re not just using it as an excuse in other words) I took this back to my manager and told him what the CAB person had said. To which i got “Look, If you don’t like it leave, we don’t need non team players here. Religion is not a good enough reason, You don’t have a good reason and if you don’t turn up your out, love.” I was reminded of this on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th. To each time i told him that i was in my right not to turn up.
Christmas day came and today I was called 16 times by my work/manager. I just picked up and before i could say hello i got “I warned you! Do not come in tomorrow and if you do you’ll be thrown out. Your fired. DONT come to me for a reference” and he put the phone down.
It angers me that in my workplace many other people with diff religion’s were given days off for their religious holidays (muslim and jewish co workers) also people were given unplanned days off to watch England play football in the world cup. Yet I am not entitled to have a ‘public holiday’ off so I can go to church. I understand that others don’t have the same beliefs as myself and i have never ONCE tried to push my views onto anyone else. I am very saddened that a place i have worked at for 4 years and planned to stay with for a long time to come has sacked me. I will call CAB tomorrow to find out what the next steps are.
Im worried as i am disabled and find it hard to find work as it is. it took me a year to find this job with a reference let alone a new job just after Christmas without a reference. Is there anything i can do about this? Thanks for any help you can give. Hope you all had a merry Christmas and an even better near year. – Bruce Walker.