I was offered a job to start today when arriving was told I could not start due to criminal background. I requested and received a copy ran and reported by Sterling information systems it was very incorrect. In another state there is felony charges on me my last name was spelled wrong and my birthday was incorrect. After contacting the clerk of court in this state I was emailed and mailed CERTIFIED documentation that this was not me hence the wrong name and birthday. Called the job back offered to send them documentation only to be told sterling who they rececived the report from had to fix it and resend it or they still could not hire me. Sterling says problem shall be resolved in 30 days or less. Problem is the postion will no longer be available to me.Is this a legal case? I am out money for gas,time, deflamation of character, job(that I have been trying to obtain for 6 months), upfront childcare that I paid to take the job (non refundable). I repeat not only did they have my name and birthday wrong (with certified superior court documetation) I also have a letter from the company saying that the reason they can not employ me is due entirely to this. Do I have a case? What type of attorney do I contact? Please help me