Basic Responsibilities of Supervisors
Hire: Determine the duties to be performed and select the best-qualified candidate. This includes taking the Fair Hiring workshop, forming a Selection Committee, writing the job description, working with the Business Office to conduct the recruitment, screening applications, interviewing candidates, checking references and documenting the selection. (See Recruitments)
Orient and Train: Provide appropriate orientation for the employee addressing such topics as are listed on the new employee orientation checklist at the end of this document. Give employees the information, technology and reference materials necessary to perform their jobs. Training is an ongoing activity, crucial for new staff as well as for long-term staff who take on new responsibilities or who experience changes in the way their existing duties need to be performed. Those who take on new responsibilities or experience job changes typically need additional direction and guidance for a period of time until the new work becomes more familiar. The Division has prepared an orientation checklist (Word or PDF) of topics to consider when orienting new employees.
Assign work: Assign certain duties to the employee, explaining how those duties are to be done (i.e. what level of performance will meet the supervisor’s expectations) and communicate how the successful performance of those duties will be measured. Ensure that the employee is working under a current job description and in a classification appropriate to the duties. Update job description, and submit it to the Business Office, as needed.
Evaluate Performance: Be sure your employee is familiar with the format of the appraisal form you will be using and is clear about the evaluation process. Proper attention to performance evaluation during the probationary period and carefully considered decisions as to whether the employee should pass probation can be critical. The initial probationary period is your opportunity to judge the suitability of an employee for a specific position. If you have any concerns about an employee’s performance during probation, contact the Administrative Personnel/Payroll Staff in the Business Office for assistance. Under certain circumstances a probationary period may need to be extended, or the employee released during his/her probation. After probation is complete, continue to have regular, ongoing discussions during which you can provide feedback throughout the year; complete a specific written appraisal at least once annually. Contact the Business Office for sample appraisal forms and refer to Performance Evaluation information.
Reward Performance: Recommend performance awards and/or merit increases when appropriate. As merit increases and award programs are implemented, supervisors will receive information for their eligible employees.
Approving Time Records and Requests for Time off: Sign monthly time and attendance records and approve requests for time off. Your signature on a time record means you concur with the hours worked as recorded by the employee, including any overtime worked or time taken off. University policy requires that overtime be approved in advance and confirmed in writing. Physical and Biological Sciences’ policy is to complete a Request for Overtime/Additional Time form, which is signed by the employee and the supervisor and then submitted to the Business Office for the next level of approval prior to the overtime being assigned/worked. Supervisors are responsible for approving requests for a leave of absence or to use compensatory time off or vacation time; and for ensuring their employees’ appropriate use of sick leave. Review the personnel policies or bargaining agreements for your staff and consult your Personnel/Payroll Representative in the Business Office for guidance. Complete policies or bargained agreements and request forms are available: