2009-09-13 13:26:32 UTC
ok im gonna explain this as best as i can.
bassically me and my gf received a letter from our work stateing we were being made redundant
(quote of letter)
dear staff due to financial difficulties we are having in this present climate we are forced to revise our present trading position.we have decided that we have no option but to cease trading as we are and to make radical changes so we can stay open but in a different format.
the business will officially close as post office and stores at 3rd oct an reopen on 5th oct as convenience store.
as the business will cease trade all currant contracts of employment will end.alternative employment and new contracts will be offered in the new business to all currant employees. anyone not transferring to the new company will b given redundacy if they qualify.
the new contract was not suitible as it was a major drop in hours so we was gonna take redundancy.
but then we recieved another letter
(quote letter 2)
due to changes in our finanical situation we are now able to infrom u that we can retain all staff on their presnt contract and terms of employment.
the letter u recieved will no longer apply we apologise for any convenience this may have caused but we feel that we can now look forward more positively.
the business will close as post office and stores on 3rd and reopen on 4th as convenience store.
ok we are glad we still got our jobs but the staff think that the owners are gonna lease the shop out to someone else and we dont no if we are sold with it or not.
so once the shop closes and reopens will we loose all our entitlements ????
or wen the new owners take over will we still have the same entitlements ?
it just all seems very strange. ive looked up as much as i can but i cant find anything to do with things like this.
can he offer redundancy then take it back like that.
please if anyone can help me i will be very grateful.
and if u dont mind me contacting u asking a few questions please let me no coz there jus so much i dont understand
thank u luke