My cousin overdosed in my house I called 911 when police arrived they searched my home. My cousin was in the living room. They searched my bedroom as they held me in the second bedroom. In my bedroom there is a closet that leads to a storage space. They said the door was open however it was closed. Regardless they found a storage container that had marijuana in it. The storage container is smoke colored it is hard to identify what was in it without opening it up. They pulled the container and opened it up where they found the marijuana. After finding the evidence they asked me to sign a consent to search. I did so because there was nothing left to find. Also because they threatened to cut up my couch and other belongings. They noted in there report that they found and opened container prior to me signing consent to search. They noted in there report there reason for searching was for a 'needle safety search' not quite sure how a needle outside of being in or on a person is a threat to law enforcement. I was compliant in every way possible however I never ave them permission to search my home. They took it upon themselves to do so. I only consented after being threatened and the marijuama was already found.