I work in a restaurant that has extremely slick floors. Not in the kitchen, but between the server station and the dining room. Even the slightest bit of moisture will make the tiled floor feel like a skating rink. I wear shoes with studded rubber soles, but that doesn't stop me from skidding if the floor is even damp. I've fallen at least four times in the month or so I've worked there, and yesterday I took a pretty bad spill. I ended up with a few knots and bruises. My supervisor told me that if I should happen to fall and get badly hurt, comp wouldn't pay for a thing because I don't have shoes that are approved as non-skid. Can this be so, or is she just telling me that thinking that if I ever do fall and break something I won't turn it in on comp? Sounds fishy to me. Oh, and by the way, I fell again today, and the reason I don't have such shoes is because I honestly can't afford to go and buy them.