Watch out for the endless number of job scams, just keep your credit card in your pocket. your better off creating your own business or doing freelance work, though to be realistic many freelancers go quite a while before they can even afford medical insurance.
If you have no special skills such as graphic design or programming, you can write short articles for web sites for between $4 and $15 each, depending on your expertise and the client site sophistication. To maintain search engine ranking, web sites have to continuously add fresh new content. will pay about $4 for submissions of quality articles of your choice, is a writer broker with some 1000+ writers in the program.
Some big name freelance sites are,, and, while more for techies, they do get people looking for writers or simple web busy workers to assist with simple jobs.
While handled mostly by off shore talent, virtual assistant jobs are another possibility, some are like secretary jobs not requiring high tech skills.
The essential ingredient for affiliate marketing is traffic, if you don't have money to spend on advertising you would have to build up a web site / blog that attracts many visitors just on it's merits, write about something your passionate about so you can stick with it posting over 100 articles a year, or something controversial can help attract a following too. Once you have 100+ visitors a day then start thinking about how to convert them into advertising income.