You will never read another story so silly, they are so mean to me?
2009-09-07 19:03:47 UTC
I work for a law firm. I am new. I was hired to be a receptionist, but aspiring for a promotion to office manager. There are only (4) of us in the office. I have had many years office management experience. I am on time. I always ask if I can help. I have a profession nice appearance. I am polite to everyone. I do my very best on the job. I am eager to learn.

I am 15 years older then the office assistant and 20 years old than one of the lawyers (I am old enough to be his mother) and about the same age as the main lawyer, maybe a few years older (I have no issues with him)

The "2" (how I will refer to the young lawyer and office assistant I have problems with) have experience, talent and education in areas other than office management, PR and advertising.

I truly have good ideas and intentions. They refuse to accept me as trusted member of the office. I want to manage the office, not the people. I have good tried and true S.O.P suggestions I have used in the past that will make this office grow. The following is what I go through daily (that is, when the main lawyer is out of the office)

When the main lawyer is in the office, we ALL go to lunch, when the main lawyer is gone the "2" go to lunch without asking me (mind you, that means there are 2 out of the 3 going to lunch, I am left behind to work, I no longer have keys to the office, I can not leave, you never know how long they will be gone. I can't get back in)

The "2" will go into an office and shut the door (leaving me out) they will be in there 30-90 min, flamboyantly laughing and whooping it up. When the main lawyer is in we have an office meeting that includes all of us and no office doors are EVER closed, NEVER.

We were instructed by the main lawyer to "decorate" the new office as a team. The day I was off, the "2" have the decorator come to choose colors, style and decor.(I have the same day of the week off, they deliberately scheduled this)

The "2" gave me a task list of 3-4 hours of "busy work" and went to a long lunch and picked out furniture (we are capable of locking the office, all leaving and forwarding calls to cells)

The "2" will NEVER answer my e-mails (not even a "K")

The "2" will NEVER answer my text (not even a "K")

The young lawyer speaks and looks at me with disdain

The "2" will NEVER try any of my new ideas or suggestions, they hem haw around and say they don't know if they like them or not

I e-mailed the young lawyer with an ad for an office that was closing, they were going to liquidate and sell their office equipment one would ever consider my suggestion, it would have saved money

The "2" invited the account (she is an independent contractor in the office about 6 hours per week) to go look at the new office paint and carpet....walked right past my office and did not say "hey, come on, we are going down stairs to take a look"

At one time the young lawyer fired me, he said "you can finish out the day, I would prefer that you go ahead and leave now" when the main lawyer heard I was fired, he invited me back (it is HIS firm) and this is how we have been working ever since. The main lawyer is gone a lot and there is no one to referee. I love my job, but the people (the "2") suck! In today's economy I want to save my job.

Remind you, this is not about a popularity contest. I have many friends outside the office, I no longer like the "2". I am not looking to be their friend, we are past that point now. I am not insulted that I don't get to go to lunch with them, I am insulted by their immaturity. I find it hard to work where no one respects you or the job your are trying to do. To have every move scrutinized and picked on is difficult.

My question is you read the outline of things that I endure and believe I have reason to complain? Do you think this would bother anyone, or do you think I am too sensitive?

Thank you,
Waiting for you verdict! LOL

* 2 hours ago
* - 4 days left to answer.

Additional Details
I should add....when I started with the firm several months ago....the "2" did not like each other, the young lawyer wanted to fire the office assistant. I don't believe they "2" like each other now. I think they have the mentality "we had a good thing going until you came along" attitude. The "2" don't want to be the ones who sat there with no ideas nor do they want to do things differently now.
Six answers:
2009-09-07 19:23:26 UTC
I think you do have a right to complain, as everyone has a right to a happy working enviroment. It is quite clear that the 2 as you call them dont want you there and are trying to push your out.

I would say your next step is to see the owner of the firm and let him know that you are unhappy with the way you are being treated and you feel what you do for the company isnt being respected by the 2.

Let him know the ideas you have had for saving the company money and that the ideas where ignored and not taken seriously by the 2. Normally i wouldnt advise you do this as it would cause hostility between you and the 2 but in this case the hostility is already there.

If the owner does not deal with the problem in the right way and you feel nothing has been sorted out then i would start to get some real evidence of what you are experiencing then leave and go to a tribunal.

The reason the young lawyer is suddenly really friendly with the young office assistant is because they have a common enemy which unfortunately is you, i bet that if you where out of the picture the young lawyer would turn his focus to the office assitant once again.

I hope this has helped you out, and dont let it get to you to much the young lawyer and the office assistant will eat humble pie in the end. :)
2009-09-07 19:58:35 UTC
you have asked the same question 5 times now in different categories or with different titles.............

is this how you work?

do you ask the same question over and over again until you get the answer you like?

do the job you were hired to do and do not worry so much about what others are doing.

is there even a position for office manager at this firm?

the way you have done things in the past may not be of interest or concern to your employers.

make your suggestions and then move on if the firm likes your suggestions they will move on them.

you can not spend all your time worrying about what others think or do you need to focus on what you are suppose to be doing.

it sounds as if you may never be happy at this job, perhaps you should look for something/place that will appreciate/need what you bring to the table.
2009-09-08 02:55:59 UTC
i honestly think that you've put far too many feelings into this office. for starters, you're new there. secondly, i understand you are ASPIRING to be an office manager, but they already have an office manager it seems, so it was not your job to pick out the furniture, it was your job to complete the list of duties she gave you as she went to pick furniture. despite your age and undoubted experience in the working field, you still have to respect your superiors or nothing will get done.

i already see areas where you're a bit too emotional (like when the accountant and whoever else walked right past your desk to go paint something and you took it personally). People have stuff to do and if everyone would tend to everyone's feelings nothing would get done. If you want to make yourself a part of things, instead of waiting for an invitation and scowling at everyone when they don't invite you, why don't you ASK to be a part of these things?

accept that they may have already drawn conclusions about you (judgmental, bad attitude.....because you have come off that way, given your own story i just read). try to GIVE THEM a reason to want to invite you. assert yourself in the lunch get togethers, bring in treats to the office. smile more. invite them and entertain them in your home. if you want my honest opinion, there's good reason why you're the same age as the attorney and still a receptionist and its not because you're not capable --- you just spend far too much time spinning your wheels over incredibly petty things. You'd get far more done if you'd stop trying to read everyone's mind (because no one can do that). Animals use their instincts. You have a God given mind to discern and think outside of your feelings. you may be surprised to find that they wished you would join them in their giggling around the office....and no law firm will give a promotion unless you're playing along with the others. if you don't want to do that, then you'll need to start appreciating your position as receptionist or perhaps find a more autonomous line of work.


2016-12-10 20:01:35 UTC
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2009-09-07 19:26:19 UTC
quit. it's not going to get better.. they don't want you there.

they are probably going out and having drinks during lunch, and don't want you along...

they close the door because that's what they do when they are goofing off and wasting time

is there even a office manager, or are you just hoping that that job will be created for you? maybe everyone likes the office the way it is and they don't want an office manager, and they hate it that you are annoying them with suggestions that they don't care about.

i'd just get another job where you are appreciated.
Jos h2o
2009-09-07 19:19:05 UTC
You have more than enough reason to complain.

I'd go past them and ask the main lawyer if he'd mind spending a few minutes someday watching from a distance how they act.

There's no excuse for their behavior. It's stupid and immature.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.